Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lifter or Dragger

Eph. 4:23  Let the Spirit change your way of thinking. (CEV)

It's not that I haven't made this observation or known this truth before, but it seems lately as though I'm being reminded of it.  Our attitude can affect others.  We, by the way we think and consequently speak and act, influence those with whom we interact.  This is no great revelation, in fact, it seems only to make common sense.

By our attitude, we can either lift people up or we can drag them down.  Are we optimists or pessimists?  Are we encouragers or fault finders?  Are we proud or humble?  Are we patient or impatient?  Are we judgmental and critical or forgiving and kind?  Do we pretend to know it all or quickly admit that we don't?  Do we pretend to be perfect or admit we are far from it?  Do we wallow in self pity or rejoice in blessing?  How we choose to live every day, and it is a choice, can result in others being either lifted up or dragged down by usOur attitude, our way of thinking, will make us a lifter or a dragger.  Which would you rather be around?  Which would you rather be?

Sock Monkey Snippet:  Our attitude can either lift people up or drag them down.

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