Ps. 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God...
In the first six verses of Psalm 19, David writes about God's creation. He mentions the heavens, the earth and the sun. Their voices declare His glory and utter speech extending through all the earth. Obviously, these are not literal voices. So how is it then that they declare His glory? Just by being what God created them to be. And in doing so, they fulfill their God-given purpose.
God also created us with purpose. We are to be Christ-like, conformed to His image (Rom. 8:29), walking and living as Christ, our perfect example, did. We are to be a representation, resemblance and reflection of Him. And in doing so, our lives, along with the rest of creation, will declare His glory.
Unlike the heavens, earth and sun, we do have literal voices. David says (Ps. 96:3) that it's okay to use them, too.
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