Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Into Prosperity

Ps. 68:6  ...He brings out those who are bound into prosperity...

Prisoners are bound.  They have no hope and are destined to live a life without purpose.  Everything has been taken away by their captor.

Peter found himself as a prisoner (Acts 12:6).  Chained between two soldiers in a cell guarded by even more soldiers.  He was as a restrained and hindered as one person probably could be.  It was the very night before Herod would bring him to trial.  No reason to hope.  The purpose God had for his life was certainly not being fulfilled while he was in bondage.  His freedom had been taken away.

An angel appeared next to Peter and the cell was filled with light.  Peter was raised up (v. 7) and in the process, his chains fell off without any effort or struggling.  He didn't have to work for or earn his freedom.  He was instructed to put on his garment (mantle) and follow.  Peter couldn't believe what was happening.  In fact, he thought surely he was dreaming (v. 9).  When he finally came to his senses (v. 11) he said, "Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent His angel, and has delivered me."

Sin imprisoned us all.  We were bound by the law which we could not keep.  Stuck in a hopeless situation and destined to live far short of God's purpose for us.  But this verse in Psalm 68 says we were brought out (freed, released) into prosperity (success, abundance, freedom).  Through Jesus Christ, we have been set free (Isa. 61:1, Jn. 8:36).  Not by our own efforts but rather by God's amazing grace (Eph. 2:8).  We have been raised up and our chains are gone.  God has a purpose (mantle) for each of us and we are free to succeed, live abundantly and to follow Him.

When you stop and think about it, what God did for us through Jesus Christ seems just too good to be true.  Certainly our God has delivered us, too.  Like Peter, we who were also once bound have been brought out.  Into prosperity!

Sock Monkey Snippet:  We who were bound have been set free.

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