Sunday, August 5, 2012

Through Our Hands

Acts 5:12  And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people.

After Jesus ascended into heaven to be with the Father, the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost and empowered the apostles (Acts 1:8).  They were given power for a purpose.  And what exactly was that purpose?  The same verse in Acts (1:8) gives the answer.  To be His witnesses.

It is interesting to note that the Greek word used for witnesses is "martus" from which we get our English word martyr.  We tend to think of a martyr as a person who suffers greatly, maybe even to death, for a particular reason or cause.  And certainly many early followers of Christ did that.  But the translation of a witness as simply a record or evidence of Christ suggests that lives committed to Him can bear witness not only in times of suffering and persecution but also in times of peace and prosperity as well.  In other words, an entire life, regardless of circumstance, can and should bear witness or present evidence of Him.

The Holy Spirit power was given to the apostles so that they could complete the work for which they were called.  And this power was indeed demonstrated.  Through their hands, signs and wonders were done.

Our lives each have a unique God-ordained plan and purpose, as did the lives of the apostles, and we have been given the same Holy Spirit power in order to complete the work for which we have been called.  Regardless of our life circumstances, we too are to be His witnesses.  Just like the apostles were.  Can others see evidence of Christ in our lives and by our witness?  We have been given power for a purpose.  So what signs and wonders are being done through our hands?

Sock Monkey Snippet:  Through our hands, signs and wonders are done.

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