Monday, August 20, 2012

Kingdom Insight

Mt. 13:11 has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.

This was Jesus' response when questioned by His disciples as to why He spoke to the multitude in parables.  Parables were explanations of spiritual truths (mysteries) using stories and, at first, I thought it unusual and even unfair that some people were given (kingdom) insight/understanding into what He said while others were not.  Then I realized that it was not about His willingness to give but rather about their willingness or readiness to receive.  Those among the crowd who didn't understand the deeper spiritual truths in Jesus' parables were either not yet ready or, sadly, not willing to do so.  How often we read in Scripture of those with hardened hearts.  They have eyes but don't see and ears but don't hear, nor do they understand (v.13).  They made a willful choice to reject what God was prepared to give them.  So all they heard was a story.  Only those whose hearts were ready and receptive were given the gift of understanding and insight into God's kingdom.

Light is available to all.  But whether or not we choose to acknowledge it is up to us.  It gives great vision to some but blinds others.  We can close our eyes to it and turn away from it, or we can embrace it and use it to help us see.  The light is always there but the choice of what to do with it is always ours.

There are two types of knowledge.  The first comes from understanding with our head.  So, it is possible to have great knowledge of earthly things and yet be completely ignorant of spiritual things.  We don't have to look far to find some very smart people who know so very little (or nothing at all) about the kingdom of God.  And for many, this kingdom ignorance is a willful choice they've made.  The second type of knowledge comes from understanding with a ready and receptive heart.  And it is this condition in our heart that allows us to receive the kingdom insight which God is so freely willing to give.  Heart readiness produces heavenly revelation.

"Whenever someone has a ready heart for this, the insights and understandings flow freely."  Mt. 13:12 MSG

Let us rejoice and thank God today for a very special gift.  It has been given to us to know mysteries.  He has blessed us with understanding and insight into His kingdom through a ready and receptive heart.

Sock Monkey Snippet:  We have been given kingdom insight.

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