Thursday, October 4, 2012

Something Bigger

Eph. 3:20  God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! (MSG)

Living on a secluded, narrow farm lane usually makes for a quiet, uneventful, traffic-free weekend.  Any visitors we get, if you want to call them that, are usually just lost and in need of directions back to civilization.  Well, this weekend was different.  As I was doing yard work, and much to my surprise and downright amazement, a tractor trailer truck delivering lumber to the neighboring farm came down the lane.  Given the narrowness of the roadway, I couldn't believe it had actually gotten to our farm and was amazed that anybody thought it was a good idea to bring such a big truck back such a small road in the first place.  All that aside, now the question became how to turn the truck around since our lane is a dead end.  The driver tried his best but ended up stuck in a very difficult place between farm buildings and perched on a hill with no traction.  Not good.  Efforts by the driver, and at this point the neighboring farmer who got the lumber, to free the truck were in vain. Neither had anything big enough to deal with the problem.

My point in having told you the story is this.

When faced with a problem, difficult situation or an obstacle in life and having tried all we know to overcome, sometimes we fail in our own strength and perhaps even give up.  But we need to realize that we always have access to something, or I should say Someone, bigger.  The Israelites had Someone bigger than the Red Sea that stood between them and the Promised Land.  David had Someone bigger than Goliath.  And you and I have that same Someone, too!  Someone bigger than any obstacle or problem we may encounter.  I read this statement recently.  "Don't tell God you have a big problem, tell your problem you have a big God."  And we do.

Just in case your wondering, a "bigger" tow truck eventually came and was able to move the tractor trailer rig back on to the roadway.

Remember there is always Someone bigger than your problem.

Now I'm looking forward to my next quiet, uneventful weekend.

Sock Monkey Snippet:  God is bigger than any problem.

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