Heb. 6:12 ...do not become lazy, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
Faith and patience are two rare commodities in today's society. Believing beyond our circumstances and then waiting or patiently enduring are almost unnatural for us. We're more likely to react based upon what we can see and become discouraged or disappointed when things don't happen when we think they should.
If we're honest, we all struggle at times with having faith and patience. Yet these are the two keys to realizing God's fulfilled promises in our lives. Notice that they are inseparable. You can have faith but no patience. If so, you'll get tired of waiting. You can have patience but no faith. If so, you'll get tired of believing or enduring. Both are necessary. Faith expects and patience endures.
Chapter 11 of Hebrews is filled with the names of those who are great examples for us to follow. We're told to imitate such people and be encouraged by them that we might not become lazy but remain steadfast in our own faith.
We are meant to inherit God's promises. He can not and will not go back on His word. We just need to expect and endure.
Sock Monkey Snippet: Faith expects and patience endures.
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