Saturday, May 28, 2011

Our Banner

Isa. 59:19  ...When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.

The standard, or banner, was the flag that preceded an army into battle.  When the enemy saw the banner raised, they knew immediately who they were up against.  So long as it was visible amidst the confusion of battle, the standard encouraged it's soldiers to fight on knowing that success was imminent.  Ultimately, it marked victory, giving evidence of who was in control.

In Exodus (17:8-15), as long as Moses kept his hands lifted with the rod of God from the top of the hill, the Israelites prevailed in battle.  The will of God was for Israel to have the victory.  Afterwards, Moses built an altar to remember Jehovah Nissi (The-Lord-Is-My-Banner).

When we are overwhelmed like a flood in our battles against our enemy, we should not get discouraged.  Fight on.  Isaiah writes that the Lord is holding up our victory flag!  Satan cringes knowing who he's up against.  He realizes his ultimate defeat because there is nothing he can do to prevail or bring the standard down.  No weapon he has formed against us can prosper.  Our success is imminent.  The outcome is already assured.  God is in control.

When you lift your hands in praise and worship, remember the victory of Moses and the Israelites.  Your victory is already assured because the Lord is your banner!

Sock Monkey Snippet:  Your victory is already assured.

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