Paul acknowledged here that the Lord delivered him out of the mouth of the lion. Some interpret the lion to be Nero, the emperor of Rome. Others interpret the mouth of the lion to be Paul's likely fate for preaching the gospel. A third interpretation identifies the devil as the lion who seeks to devour Paul.
David (a type of Christ), with the prospect of going up against Goliath, explained to Saul (2 Sam. 17:34, 35) that when a lion or bear came after a lamb of the flock that he kept, he struck and killed the lion and delivered the lamb from it's mouth. He, therefore, felt more than qualified to face Goliath.
But the Bible tells us that no matter how many traps the devil may set for us, the Lord will deliver us out of them all (Ps. 34:19, 91:3, 91:15). We are more than qualified, in Christ, to face any Goliath(s) that may cross our path. We are the sheep of His flock and when the lion (devil) comes, our Shepherd will strike and kill him and deliver us from his mouth.
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