Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Same Mind

Phil. 2:5  Let this (same) mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.

The magnitude of what Christ did for us is almost too much to comprehend.  He stripped Himself of the inexpressible glory of being God with all it's rightful privileges and dignity.  Out of love for us, the One who owed absolutely nothing emptied Himself of absolutely everything.

He took on the form of a bondservant (v.7) or slave and although He was the most worthy to be served, He humbly served.  Jesus became totally obedient (v.8) to the will of the Father (Mt. 26:39) to the point of suffering a common criminal's death on a cross.

The world will see no greater example of love (Jn. 15:13) or humility.  What Jesus did was not for his own gain but rather for our benefit.  He esteemed (valued) us more than Himself (v.3).

This is the same mind, attitude or purpose that should be in us all.  Not proud but humble.  Not self-seeking but always esteeming or preferring others in love.  Obedient to the will of the Father. 

Sock Monkey Snippet:  Let this same mind be in you.

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