Saturday, July 16, 2011

We Smell Good

2 Cor. 2:15  For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.

Everyone likes to be told that they smell good.  The smell of a perfume or fragrance is meant to attract us.  But, in some cases, it can have the complete opposite effect.  Something meant to attract can actually repel or be offensive.  The same fragrance can produce entirely different results.

The Gospel is like that.  The message of truth we bring to people, like a fragrance, will be attractive to some while others will find it offensive.  In either case, however, it is still the truth.

Paul writes that God uses us to saturate and attract the world with the fragrant, sweet-smelling message of our Savior Jesus Christ.  The end result will produce literally (eternal) life or death to those who hear it.  Some will find it attractive and receive it while others will find it offensive and reject it.  It is so very important, therefore, that what we say be spoken in sincerity (v. 17), never for our own personal gain, but rather only with the purest of motives or intentions.  In a manner that is well-pleasing to God.  Always being mindful of the life-changing potential of our message.  We are not responsible for the results, God is.  We only need to willingly allow Him to work through us.  When we do, I think that we smell good!

Sock Monkey Snippet:  We are the fragrance of Christ.

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