Saturday, September 17, 2011

Just Our Feet

Jn. 13:10  Jesus answered, "People who have bathed and are clean all over need to wash just their feet.  And you, my disciples, are clean, except for one of you." (CEV)

I've always viewed the account of Jesus washing the disciples' feet as a demonstration of His humility and as an example for us to follow.  And it is certainly that.

But I looked at it today from a different perspective. One that I missed before.  And depending on which Bible translation you are reading, maybe you missed it, too.  In the NIV translation, this verse uses the words "bathed" and "washed".  And although we may use these words interchangeably today, they have entirely different meanings here.  The word "bathed" (louo) means washed completely, totally and fully.  The whole person.  Whereas the word "washed" (nipto) means to wash only in part.  Therein lies, I believe, the hidden beauty of the foot washing.

When Peter asked Jesus to wash not only his feet but his hands and head as well (v.9), Jesus answered, in effect, by saying, "You're already washed completely, now you only need washed in part."  So how were they washed completely?

Jn. 15:3  "You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you."

They were washed completely by believing His words, the Word of God.  We then, also as believers, have been washed completely.  Our faith in Christ, the Living Word of God, has completely washed and made us pure.  His shed blood and finished work on the cross have made us able to stand in purity before the Father.

So why then did they (do we) need washed in part?  Their feet were not clean.  There was a part of them that was constantly in contact with the ground, the earth, the world.  And this washing in part was necessary in order to remain completely clean.  Being in the world but not of it (Jn. 15:19, Jn. 17:13-16), and even though we are already "bathed", we will undoubtedly have opportunity to sin.  To get our feet dirty.  Willfully or inadvertently (Ps. 19:13).  But, Jesus stands always girded and ready to forgive us (Ps. 86:5), ready to "wash" us.  Just our feet.

Sock Monkey Snippet:  We're already washed completely, now we only need washed in part.

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