Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Word Gifts

Eph. 4:29  Watch the way you talk.  Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth.  Say only what helps, each word a gift. (MSG)

When we give a gift, we want it to be special.  Something that blesses and is beneficial to another.

Think of our words as gifts.  How careful would we be with our conversation if we were always mindful of what we were giving?  If we always watched the way we talked?  The words we speak are received into the life of another with some result.  We speak with intended purpose.  Either intending to edify, bless and benefit or to tear down, curse and bring harm.  Our words can have value or they can be worthless.  The choice of gift we give is ours.  May all we say (and think) be acceptable to God (Ps. 19:14).

Before we speak, we need to ask ourselves, "What kind of word gift am I about to give?"

Sock Monkey Snippet:  Speak only words that edify.  Make each word a gift.

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