Monday, September 12, 2011

When I Consider

Ps. 8:3-4  When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, What is man, that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You should visit him?

Every time I'm outside on a clear night and I look up at a star-filled sky, without fail I am reminded of these verses.  The splendor of God's creation overwhelms me.  How magnificent, powerful and awesome must our God be to create such beauty and to sustain it?  And I think too often we forget that His creation extends immeasurably beyond what we can see, which makes thinking about it, considering it, all the more wonderful and amazing.

If you've ever watched an accomplished pianist perform, you were undoubtedly impressed by their fingering.  Skillful, deliberate, ordered.  And out of what seemed to be little effort, the beauty of music was created.  Did you ever notice in this verse that God used His fingers to create and orchestrate the universe?  It suggests to me that our God is so great, so skillful, that it took only His fingers, a little effort for Him, to create something we can't even begin to comprehend.  Consider that!

And yet, as David writes, God is mindful of us.  Comparatively insignificant beings in the immensity of His creation.  He feeds us, clothes us, protects us, provides for us, and communes with us.  He is concerned for us and about us!  So much so that He has even numbered the hairs on our heads.  He not only macro-manages the universe but micro-manages even the smallest details of our existence.  And He does it all perfectly.  Skillfully, deliberately, and with order.  I don't know about you, but I am blessed when I consider!

Sock Monkey Snippet:  In the immensity of His creation, God is mindful of us.

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